• Friday March 26, 2021


    Do you have no memory ? Mark 8:18

    I remember the way the Lord acted. Yes, I want to remember your past miracles. Psalm 77:12

    While crossing Lake Tiberias, the disciples find that they forgot to bring some loaves of bread : they only have one loaf for all those in the boat. Jesus, who had just been challenged by the Pharisees, then told his disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod, that is, hypocrisy and immorality.

    Concerned about their little problem with food, the disciples make a thought association that shows they did not understand the figurative meaning of Jesus' words. They think he is referring to their lack of forethought. Jesus then reproached them for their lack of memory and their lack of faith (see also Matthew 16: 8). Why worry about food while he's with them ? Had he not fed 5,000 people with five loaves of bread and produced a surplus of twelve baskets ? Hadn't he just fed another 4,000 people with seven loaves of bread, and the leftovers had filled seven baskets ? The Lord ends this reminder with a reprimand in the form of a question which reveals a great sadness on his part : How do you not understand ?

    When we forget what the Lord has done for us, thoughts darken. These lapses of memory damage and weaken faith. In fact, they are a symptom of disbelief.

    Cantor Asaph relates his own experience on this subject. Tormented in his soul, he wonders if God has rejected him and stopped talking to him (Psalm 77: 8,9). Suddenly he finds the solution to his problems : he remembers the works of God, he thinks of all his work, he reflects on his great deeds (v. 10-12). He then exclaims, full of confidence : You are the God who works miracles (v. 15).

    Understand that Jesus, by whom and for whom all things were created (see Colossians 1:16), is able to meet all of our needs. Let us remember what God has given us. Let us count its benefits. The list is long !

    Source (Pleasing the Lord)

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  • Thursday 25 March 2021

    Is it easy to urge ?

    Challenge one another and build one another up. 1 Thessalonians 5:11

    I myself, Paul, exhort you through the meekness and goodness of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10: 1

    In everyday parlance, "to urge someone" often means to teach them more or less. Now the Greek word used in these verses is of the same family as the word Comforter by which Jesus designates the Holy Spirit (John 14:16). "To exhort", in the biblical sense, is therefore to stand beside someone, to help him, to encourage him, to console him, to calm him, to comfort him, to help him in some way or in a way. other, to stimulate it, to put it in the right direction. This is not to lecture or lecture him.

    The first verse reminds us that we need mutual exhortation and that this is a service we have to render to each other. However, we need to be careful about the right way to do it. This is what the second verse of the day tells us :

    - The apostle begins with an emphatic expression : Myself, Paul, I... : In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul sets out to demonstrate that one must behave in relation to the words that one is holding. It was his case. However, let us not wait until we are perfect to bring a word of encouragement to a believer ! Besides, Paul knows how to recognize that he also needs encouragement. Likewise, we can encourage by being aware that we too need encouragement.

    - Paul then refers to the meekness and goodness of Christ. Meekness is one of the few qualities the Lord has attributed to Himself (Matthew 11:29). It is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22) that every servant is invited to cultivate, especially in the face of opponents (2 Timothy 2:25). Kindness has the meaning of indulgence, moderation, giving up one's rights. This should be the state of mind of one who exhorts, like the Lord Jesus : he knew how to speak to those who are tired and burdened to give them courage. Nothing to do with the attitude of some lesson givers ! However, meekness and kindness do not mean weakness or sentimentality : Paul can speak of his confidence and his boldness (2 Corinthians 10: 2).

    No, to "exhort" in the full biblical sense and in the Lord's state of mind is not as easy as you might think, but it is very important and very useful !

    Source (Pleasing the Lord)

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