• Monday March 29, 2021

    Open our door

    If anyone hears my voice and opens the door... Revelation 3:20

    It is through a door that we enter into eternal life. Jesus said: I am the door. If anyone enters through me they will be saved. (John 10.9) The Bible affirms that we can meet God, know him and welcome him into our lives. In Jesus Christ, he came to meet us and tear us away from our spiritual misery. He already knows our errors and knows that it is sin that prevents us from any possibility of contact with him.

    The Son of Man (Jesus Christ) came to seek and save what was lost. (Luke 19.10) This is the good news, that of the Gospel !

    It is up to each of us to believe in him or not. If we open to him the door of our heart, that is, of our conscience, he will come in and do everything new, according to his promise.

    True faith is not just about believing that God exists. For it to be faith, it is necessary to believe what he says. Believe God ! Believe his Word, the Bible, that's real faith. This faith alone opens the door of salvation to us.

    Jesus affirms : Behold, I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go into their home, have supper with them and they will with me. (Revelation 3.20) What an extraordinary experience !

    So why not open it up now ?

    Yves perrier


    Proposed Reading : Gospel according to John, chapter 10, verses 7 to 18.

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  • Sunday March 28, 2021

    No doubt !

    The Son is the image of the invisible God. Colossians 1:15

    If I said : "I live in Ferrière-la-Grande" (which is the truth) and someone answers me : "I do not believe you, for me you are Lensoise", that would be absurd. is this not ? Yet many people react to Jesus in this way. They deny what he always claimed to be: son of God who came to earth.

    The divinity of Jesus has been under attack from time immemorial. Already during his lifetime, the Jews wanted to stone him because he claimed to be one with God, his Father : It is not for a beautiful work that we stone you, but for a blasphemy, because you, who are a being human, you make yourself God. (John 10.33) The Bible declares that Jesus is the perfect image of God the Father. In him resides all of the divine powers and attributes. He is the Son to whom we will have to report one day.

    To believe that Jesus is God is to take sides with the truth. It is recognizing that, being God, he is able to forgive our sins, transform us and open the door to heaven for us. Let us therefore beware of Jesus' solemn warning, for the denial of the truth will affect our eternal destiny : If you do not believe that I am, you will die in your sins. (John 8:24)

    Have you recognized that Jesus is the Savior of the sinful humanity to which you belong ? He loves you, is looking for you and has been waiting for your answer for so long !

    Francoise Lanthier


    Proposed Reading : Letter to the Colossians, chapter 1, verses 12 to 20.

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  • Saturday March 27, 2021

    What should be done ?

    What must I do to be saved ? Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved you and your family. Acts of the Apostles 16:30-31

    A violent earthquake had shaken the prison of Philippi, a city in northern Greece. Paul and Silas are locked up there for having denounced the scandal of those who got rich thanks to the occult sciences.

    Great opportunity for the prisoners to escape : but they are all there. Paul and Silas reassure the distraught guard and allow him to ask the vital question.

    What should I do... ? Do I have to do something special, do a good work?

    ... to be saved ? My career and my future are at stake. Everything is falling apart around me. I'm lost ; I cannot get out of this situation unscathed.

    The prison guard had to courageously admit that he was on the wrong track and ask for the path that leads to salvation. Paul's answer to this question is unambiguous.

    Believe... By an act of faith, simply accept into your life the One who alone can transform it and save you. Trust him.

    ... to the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved and your family. There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved. (Acts of the Apostles 4:12)

    It is a matter of the heart and of a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins and rose again for our justification.

    Albert Nouguier


    Proposed Reading : Book of Acts of the Apostles, chapter 16, verses 22 to 34.

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  • Friday March 26, 2021

    Carried away by the crowd

    They cried out together : Put this one to death and release Barabbas to us. Luke 23:18

    “Whoever drags us leads us." These words from a song by Edith Piaf show us what crowd movements are. Remember the 2018 World Cup or some big events. What troubles me about this verse from Luke and the passage proposed for our reading is that we see two completely different crowd movements in it.

    When Jesus entered Jerusalem, a jubilant crowd acclaimed him as king. A few days later, in this same city of Jerusalem, the crowd filled with hatred against Jesus demands his death.

    These days, it is not uncommon for law enforcement to be hugged or shouted at, within days of each other. And us, how do we react to crowd movements ? Are we content to do like the others or do we have, and above all do we keep, our own opinion ?

    Placing our faith in Jesus must be a personal act and not the consequence of a crowd movement. Thus, our act will be sincere, precious and will come from the grace of God. For it is by grace that you have been saved, by means of faith. And it is not from you, it is the gift of God. (Ephesians 2.8)

    So, let us be convinced by the testimony of the Gospels about Jesus, even if for that we have to go against the tide of the opinion of those around us.

    Jose Petrocchi


    Proposed Reading : Gospel according to Luke, chapter 19, verses 36 to 40.

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  • Thursday 25 March 2021

    Exercise !

    Exercise is useful in few things, while godliness is useful in everything. 1 Timothy 4.8

    Perhaps because I am not very athletic, I admire its joggers who, in rain, wind, snow and fog, do not deviate from the practice of their daily passion. No doubt they are, for many, obsessed with their form, their vitality, their mental and physical well-being. Hard exercise is the way they go to experience what they aspire to.

    While the Bible says exercise is of little use, it is not meant to minimize the value of physical effort. This is in terms of eternal fallout that she talks about. Of course, being in good physical condition is a good thing, but for this life only. At a pinch, it can prolong the present life. But it will have no effect on our eternal fate.

    Godliness is the exercise that the Bible recommends for our eternal well-being. Godliness is all that concerns our relationship with God. Through Jesus Christ, we can be healed of all the evils that sclerotic our soul. Taking the time to know him (by reading the Bible) and to talk to him (by prayer) provides an energy that will be active until eternal life.

    For the good of your whole being, follow the full program : sport and piety every day !

    Gilles Georgel


    Proposed Reading : 1st letter to the Corinthians, chapter 9, verses 24 and 25.

    9.24 Don't you know that the competitors in the stadium all run, but only one wins the prize ? Run to win it.

    9.25 All the athletes impose themselves all kinds of privations, and they do it to obtain a crown which will destroy itself ; but we are for an indestructible crown.

    Source (Live Today)

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