• Avoid comparisons

    Thursday 2 December 2021

    Avoid comparisons.

    “Let each one examine his own works, and then he will have something to be proud of in relation to himself alone, and not in comparison with another.” Galatians 6.4

    Jesus tells the parable of the talents to demonstrate that we all receive talents according to our abilities. Listen : “A man going on a journey called his servants, and delivered his goods to them. He gave five talents to the one, two to the other, and one to the third to each his capacity, and he departed. Immediately the one who had received the five talents went out and put them to use, and he gained five more talents. In the same way, the one who had received the two talents, gained two more. The one who had only received one went and dug in the earth and hid his master's money. A long time later the master of these servants returned and gave them an account” (Matthew 25. 14-19). The first two servants immediately understood what a wonderful opportunity they had to prove their loyalty and their business acumen. Instead of just obeying the master’s orders, for once they could show initiative. The third servant misses the best luck of his life. He buries his talent, without doing anything. Why don't some of us care about developing our talents ? Often because they compare their talents to those of others. Perhaps the third servant thought he was not cut out for success like the other two, more perceptive and shrewd than him ? Perhaps, on the contrary, he is bitter against the other two and against his master, his act being a form of protest. At the end of the story the master congratulates the first two servants in the same way. It is not the degree of success that is important, but the obedience to the order given. Never compare your talents to those of others. You are not indebted to them, you are indebted only to God. Don't let your pride, fear, or bitterness in other people rob you of the divine reward !

    Source (His Word for Today)

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