• Free access ti the Father

    Monday August 1, 2022

    Free access to the Father

    Search the Scriptures

    Through him, we both have access to the Father, in the same Spirit. Ephesians 2.18

    During the Civil War in the United States, between 1861 and 1865, the White House, residence of Abraham Lincoln, was daily assailed by people who wanted to see the President. They were mainly government representatives, parliamentarians, generals, diplomats, but also a whole population impatient to have an interview.

    Everyone hoped to obtain a favor for themselves, for a relative or for a friend. A secretary took their name and came back, saying : "You have to wait a moment, the President cannot see you right away."

    In the middle of this crowd, a little boy had slipped past, running past the sentry, waving his hand to the secretaries. He walked past them and, turning the doorknob, entered President Lincoln's office without knocking.

    The people who were waiting showed their bad humor at seeing this child entering like this, without manners, instead of waiting his turn, like them. But one of the secretaries said to them : "It's Ted, the President's son. And his father gave this instruction : 'Never prevent Ted from coming to me.'"

    We ourselves are privileged to have free access to our heavenly Father, our God, the creator of the universe, the one who gave his son Jesus Christ to save us and give us life. Jesus shed his own blood for us to pay for the consequences of our sin ! Let's not wait any longer, let's go to him!

    Let us always remember that we have much more than the President of the United States of America : the only true God, always ready to listen to us and meet our needs ! He is never farther from us than a prayer's distance.

    Listen the voice of God

    You are a child of God, and as such you have free access to your Heavenly Father. Ask him if something prevents you from fully experiencing this privilege.

    Praying is simple. Speak to God as you would your closest friend. Here is an example of a prayer : "Lord, I desire day after day to stop and take time in your presence. Help me to realize the immense privilege that I have to be your child and to behave as Phone."

    Praise God

    Having unlimited access to our Heavenly Father, 24 hours a day, isn't that great ? Take this precious time to express your infinite gratitude to him !

    Act today

    Resolve to invest quality time with your Heavenly Father each day to nurture this divine filial relationship. It can be a time of prayer, a time of meditation, a time of adoration or even a time of silence in his fabulous presence.

    Honor the Lord

    Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

    "My God, thank You for sending Your Son Jesus that I might pass spiritually from death unto life and have free access to You through the Holy Spirit. Yours is the kingdom, the power and glory, amen !"

    Jean Louis Gaillard

    Source (The Thought of the Day)

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