• In front of the door

    Tuesday, December 7, 2021

    In front of the door

    Here I am standing at the door and knocking. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will go into their home, have supper with them, and they will with me. Revelation 3:20

    A splendid yacht had ventured into Moray Bay off the coast of Scotland. The two young men piloting it docked in Inverness with the intention of taking a short tour of the Highlands. But they got lost along the way, and evening was falling. They traveled long distances in these desolate solitudes before seeing a house. They knocked at length on the door asking for hospitality. But the residents were already in bed and had no desire to get up to let in strangers. They told them a little harshly to go further and stop making the noise. Fortunately, the young people found another more welcoming house.

    The next day, the disagreeable occupants of the first house heard news that dismayed them : those who had knocked on their door in vain the day before were none other than Prince George and his brother the Duke of Clarence, the most illustrious visitors of all of the UK. Imagine the shame of those people who had been so unpleasant to them.

    But how many people do not do the same to the greatest figure in the universe, the King of kings, the Lord Jesus who asks to enter their hearts ?

    Alfred Kuen


    Proposed reading : Book of Revelation, chapter 3, verses 14 to 22.

    Source (Live Today)

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