• No love in the package

    Tuesday April 6, 2021

    No love in the package

    Deep down, you have no love for God. John 5.42

    In this retirement home, the nurse speaks to Mr. X : "What a big package for your birthday, what luck !" He sadly replies : "Yes, the sweater is beautiful, but there is no love in the package !" And he discreetly wipes away a tear.

    As you read the proposed verses, you will see that this is somewhat the same reproach that Jesus made against the leaders of the Jews.

    They have a wonderful package full of zeal to study the scriptures, to apply the law, to seek eternal life. But it lacks the essential : love. They have just proven it by scolding this man bedridden for 38 years and who at the command of Jesus got up and took his mat. But there you have it, it's Sabbath day !!!

    These zealous students of the Bible know, however, that "to love God with all your heart, with all your soul... and to love your neighbor as yourself" are the two greatest commandments that God has given.

    In the discussion which followed between them and Jesus, this one recognizes their knowledge : “You study the Scriptures carefully...”, but this is not enough to enable them to recognize who Jesus is.

    He told them bluntly : "You have no love for God." What a shock for them !

    And I who like to read the Bible regularly, do I really love God ?

    I let myself be challenged by this question.

    Elfriede Eugene


    Proposed reading : Gospel according to John, chapter 5 verses 5 to 11 and 37 to 42.

    Source (Live Today)

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