• The Judge of all the earth

    Tuesday February 8, 2022

    The Judge of all the earth

    Will not the judge of all the earth do what is right ? Genesis 18:25

    God works by his Word and his Spirit in the conscience and the heart of man in a way that never ceases to amaze us. Here is an experience.

    At the American university where I was studying, Christian students held a Bible study every Thursday at noon, between classes and their laboratory work. I don't remember the chapter of the Bible we were reading that day, but it had to do with the justice of God.

    So many questions about this ! How does God allow the suffering of innocent beings ? Why does he let so many horrors happen ? Why, why... Where is God in all this ? But also, why not trust God completely ?

    During the discussion, I then quote this exclamation of Abraham when he pleads with the Eternal who will destroy Sodom and Gomorrah : Shall not the judge of all the earth do what is right ? It was then that one of my classmates jumped, but without saying anything. At the end of the Bible study, he exchanges a few words with one of my Christian friends and returns to the laboratory.

    About ten years later, while we practiced our profession on our own, we met again during a scientific congress. It was there that he told me about that Bible study that I had long forgotten. The quoted verse had put an end to his questions about the justice of God. That day, he understood and believed that the supreme and final Judge is the only perfectly fair judge. This verse resonated in itself as a word of salvation. “In fact, that day, he told me, I was born again”. This man is now actively serving the Lord in various ways.

    Of the discussion, my comrade no longer remembered. From an interview with one of my friends either. On the other hand, this one verse of the Word of God had put an end to the questions which prevented him from becoming a Christian.

    Let us never hesitate to quote the Scriptures : Faith comes by hearing - and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).

    Source (Pleasing the Lord)

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