• The Star of Hope

    Friday 24 December 2021

    The Star of Hope

    Searching the Scriptures

    The star which they had seen in the East was going in front of them until the moment when, arriving above the place where the little child was, it stopped. When they saw the star, they were filled with great joy. Matthew 2.9-10

    2000 years ago, in the sky of the middle east, a star shone in the night. This is why, in memory of this event, during this holiday season, many Christians place a beautiful star on top of their Christmas tree.

    What is its symbol ? How was this star born ? Beyond our questions, what matters is its meaning, its eternal reach. Its sparkle is reflected in the Gospels. Its beauty and radiance herald a new hope, a salvation for humanity.

    This star shone bright enough to attract people of different faiths and countries. She showed the way for Jews, Greeks, Romans or Arabs to come and worship the baby Jesus. She still shines for everyone. This star leads us into the light of its presence and once we arrive, everything else turns pale in its light.

    The birth of Jesus is for each of us the hope of a new day. It is forgiveness where sin reigned, healing instead of sickness, righteousness instead of abuse, love that casts out fear, restoration for our afflictions, peace that does not depend on circumstances.

    In this Christmas season, let yourself be guided by this hope that shines in the darkness, in order to know more about the person of Jesus. Let it grow in the stable of your heart so that it can give you strength and courage in the face of life's afflictions. Yes, the Star of Hope still shines today.

    Listen the voice of God

    Let's take the time to listen to what God means. Jesus is that hope that never deceives. He is your hope.

    Praying is easy. Talk to God as you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is an example prayer : "Jesus, you are my Savior and Lord. Just as the lives of the shepherds changed that night as they met you, my life changed because of you."

    Praise God

    To praise God is to show him our gratitude. Today, what are your subjects of recognition ? Take a moment to thank the Lord.

    Act today

    Now dig deeper into what you have received. What can you do to apply what God has told you ? Write down the concrete actions you can take.

    Honor the Lord

    Our route for the day comes to an end. Let us pray together to honor our God.

    "Lord Jesus, thank you for being the light of the world, and the light of my life. Yours be the reign, the power, and the glory, amen !"

    Patrice Martorano

    Source (The Thought of the Day)

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