• Total security

    Saturday January 15, 2022

    Total security

    Search the Scriptures

    But whoever listens to me will rest with confidence, he will live quietly and without fear of any evil. Proverbs 1.33

    Do you know who is speaking here ? Who could utter these words ? She who speaks here is wisdom, the wisdom of God. What a promise, what a proposal !

    Security is what all people on Earth today aspire to, but here we are offered complete security. You will live confidently, quietly, and without fear of any harm. You will not just enjoy physical security but also be free from worry, anxiety and concern.

    What is the secret ? The secret is to listen to the right voice. The voice of divine wisdom speaking through the pages of the Bible, offering this promise of total security, emotional stability and uninterrupted peace.

    How to access it ? You cannot access it, neither by the system of the world, nor by what the world can offer. The world may provide temporary stability and security, but nothing permanent.

    The only path to permanent stability, security, and peace of mind is to listen to the voice of divine wisdom, distilled through the pages of the Bible, and then do only what pleases Him.

    Listen the voice of God

    Let's take the time to listen to what God wants to say. Do you need to strip yourself of yourself to welcome God's wisdom into your life ?

    Praying is simple. Speak to God as you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is an example of a prayer : "Lord, I make Solomon's prayer my own : grant me the necessary intelligence so that I can discern between good and evil! My desire is to please you and to do your will."

    Praise God

    To praise God is to express our gratitude to him. Today, what are your subjects of recognition ? Take a time to thank the Lord.

    Act today

    Now, deepen what you have received. What can you put in place to apply what God has told you ? Write down concrete actions you can take.

    Honor the Lord

    Our journey for the day ends. Let us pray together to honor our God.

    "Thank you, Lord, for from your mouth come intelligence and knowledge, and because you give wisdom to those who ask you. Be glorified in my life, amen !"

    Derek Prince

    Source (The Thought of the Day)

    « Sovereign God (1)The anger »
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