• When God speeds up time

    Sunday January 2, 2022

    When God speeds up time

    Searching the Scriptures

    Even though the LORD opens windows in the roof of heaven, can your words come true ? Elisha answers : You will see it yourself, but you will not eat of this food. 2 Kings 7.2

    When I became a Christian, I was teased by a few people who said : "You have to be really weak to believe in God and to become a Christian !"

    People do not understand that on the contrary, being on God's side is a huge advantage, because he is the one who turns water into wine, who dries up the fig tree, in other words : he is the one who accelerates the process. time !

    Do you believe it ?

    Here is a real and incredible example found in the 2nd book of Kings. Famine is very important. There is no more flour or barley so that the people find themselves eating their children. It was there that the prophet Elisha announced to the inhabitants of Samaria the following words :

    "Listen to all of you this word of the Lord : "Tomorrow at the same time, a piece of silver will suffice to pay 12 kilos of flour or 24 kilos of barley at the market of Samaria." An officer of the king of Israel, the one who is always with him, asks Elisha : “Even if the Lord opens windows in the roof of heaven, can your words be fulfilled ?” Elisha answers : “You will see it yourself, but you will not eat of this food.”" (2 Kings 7:1-2)

    What happens next is amazing ! The Syrians hear the sound of invisible chariots (they are surely the angels of God) and flee their villages, leaving food and riches. What happens next ?

    "Immediately the inhabitants of Samaria came out of the city and pillaged the camp of the Syrians. And, as the Lord announced, a piece of silver is enough to pay 12 kilos of flour or 24 kilos of barley." (2 Kings 7.16)

    God did this in exactly one day ! As predicted by Elisha, the unbelieving king's officer saw the miracle but died.

    Likewise, if you believe it, God can do in one day what you may not be able to do even in 100 years !

    . He can bring a child back from God

    . He can get you out of debts that have weighed you down for so many years and make you prosperous

    . It can get you out of sickness or depression

    . He can bring you the spouse you want so much

    Do not be unbelieving like the king's officer, and declare with me :

    "Oh God, my Father, master of time and circumstances, I believe that you can accelerate the processes of blessings in my life !"

    Listen the voice of God

    Let's take the time to listen to what God means. Remember this : "Your Father in Heaven is par excellence, the master of the circumstances of your life."

    Praying is simple. Talk to God as you would your closest friend. God loves you and he can hear everything. Here is an example prayer : "My God, I believe you can (name your needs) in one day ! Glorify yourself in my life ! I love you and desire to follow you the rest of my life. Amen."

    Praise God

    To praise God is to show him our gratitude. Today, what are your subjects of recognition ? Take a moment to thank the Lord.

    Act today

    Now dig deeper into what you have received. What can you do to apply what God has told you ? Write down the concrete actions you can take.

    Honor the Lord

    Our route for the day comes to an end. Let us pray together to honor our God.

    "Thank you, my God, for the" foolishness "which you show towards us is wiser than the wisdom of men, and your" weakness "much stronger than the strength of men. Yours is the reign, the power and the glory, amen !"

    David Nolent

    Source (The Thought of the Day)

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