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    Sunday October 23, 2022


    For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God ; and they are justified freely by his grace, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Romans 3.23-24

    If mankind had no problem, the Bible's discourse would be wrong and Jesus' sacrifice would make no sense. But humanity has big problems... And so do we! The Bible calls this problem “sin” ; its consequences dwell in us and around us. Whatever its name, our conscience knows what it is...

    Our first reflex would be to apprehend it in terms of education and to think that the so-called upper classes are morally better than the others. False, experience confirms God's verdict : All have sinned...

    The sacrifice of Jesus, the means of redemption (redemption), is essential to all. His message, which is called “gospel,” is not meant to be understood only intellectually, it must be received with deep conviction of the heart. He proposes to those who humbly become aware of their guilt, to turn to Christ to receive forgiveness and the restoration of their dignity. What separates us from God, the Gospel draws it, encircles it, targets it and annihilates it. We receive its effects when we express our repentance to Christ. In the Gospel, God extends his helping hand to us : seize it so that he receives you in his arms !

    Dominique Moreau


    Proposed reading : Letter to the Romans, chapter 3, verses 1 to 24.

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  • Friday October 14, 2022

    Forget to live

    ... which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1.13

    The moralist Jean de la Bruyère (1645-1696) is said to have said : “There are only three events for man : to be born, to live and to die. He does not feel born, he suffers to death and he forgets to live." He may not be wrong, but he forgot that there is a birth that changes the rest. Obviously, nothing can be changed at birth, neither its reality nor the framework in which we experienced it : parents, time and other conditions. But Jesus said that if it is not possible to return to the womb of his mother, it is nevertheless possible to be born again, spiritually this time, by the action of the Spirit of God. This happens in favor of the one who welcomes with an open heart Christ, God incarnate : To all who received him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the power to become children of God (John 1.12).

    It is the entry into a new family, that of God himself! Fantastic ! And this is what changes living and dying. Life now has meaning and is then fully lived. Certainly, one who is born in this way still suffers, but in the arms of a comforter. His death is no longer an agonizing unknown. It turns into entry into sleep awaiting the blessed resurrection.

    This spiritual birth is the event par excellence, because it is what gives meaning to life and death.

    Richard Douliere


    Proposed reading : Gospel according to John, chapter 1, verses 6 to 13.

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  • Monday, October 3, 2022

    Winning ticket

    I rejoice in following your precepts, as if I possessed all the treasures. Psalm 119.14

    In October 2019, while cleaning the inside of his car, a resident of Lot-et-Garonne found an unused X20 scratch ticket that he had bought for 5 euros. He scratched it, and discovered that he had won 500,000 euros !

    Far be it from me to encourage you to play : it is obvious that the Companies which organize these games do not work at a loss. Most players lose more than they win, and some even find, without having looked for it, a way to ruin themselves quickly.

    But this story illustrates the fact that one can live next to a treasure... without knowing it.

    This is why it is quite possible that, in your home or in your media library, you will regularly miss a treasure. I mean the Bible, the Word of God. You can find them at the price of the scratch ticket that I mentioned (ask the editions of the calendar if you don't know how to get one).

    The big difference between the Bible and a game of chance is that you win every time.

    Indeed, the Bible contains the only message that allows you infinite gain : that of eternal life. Read in the proposed reading how Jesus talks about it : it's a real "treasure hunt". The research effort is amply rewarded.

    Here is a ticket that is worth scratching !

    Jean-Louis Theron


    Proposed reading : Gospel according to Matthew, chapter 13, verses 44 to 46.

    13.44 The kingdom of heaven is still like a treasure hidden in a field. The man who found it hides it ; and, in his joy, he goes and sells all he has, and buys this field.

    13.45 The kingdom of heaven is still like a merchant looking for beautiful pearls.

    13.46 He has found a pearl of great price ; and he went and sold all he had, and bought her.

    Source (Live Today)

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  • Monday, September 26, 2022

    Miss the last ?

    So then, while we have the opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to the brethren in the faith. Galatians 6.10

    No doubt you have noticed that the flower sellers are already struggling in a special way from the end of September. It is that the tombs must be flowered for All Saints. Because it's been moons that we confuse, practically, the feast of the saints and that of the dead !

    I recently received a very pretty flowering plant for my birthday. With the frequent remark : “Better to offer flowers to the living than to the dead. They, at least, benefit from it." A lot of people say it... rightly so, but I don't know if everyone does it !

    This made me think of the verse from Galatians. There are a few words here that are really worth pondering : while you have the opportunity... We know that some occasions are unique and that all of them one day become "the last". How many regrets, sometimes, if we have not grasped it. We know it well. However, we let it pass, saying to ourselves : “next time”. But it happens that, next time, there is no more, either that the recipient has left, or that it is us.

    Let us take the trouble to meditate on Paul's advice : Let us do good...especially towards the brothers in the faith, while we [still] have the opportunity. Without forgetting to start by putting ourselves in good standing with God before our turn comes to present ourselves before him.

    Richard Douliere


    Proposed reading : Letter to the Galatians, chapter 6, verses 7 to 10.

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  • Wednesday September 21, 2022

    Princes and princesses

    Those whom he foreknew he also predestined to become conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn of many brethren. Romans 8.29

    At 5 years old, the “whys” of a child are as varied as they are inexhaustible. Julia's new question is very much her age : "Granny, why am I not a princess ?"

    Princes and princesses make little girls dream. Yet, what dramas in the golden palaces ! There is sometimes more happiness in a dilapidated hovel than in a luxurious villa.

    Grown-ups, adults do not give up on their dream of a fabulous future. Few, however, will experience lightning propulsion in a supposedly fairy-like world !

    This is why, according to the scriptures, the greatest of treasures is a contented and contented heart. (1 Timothy 6.6)

    However, the Bible tells us something wonderful : God, the Supreme Sovereign, makes us his children when we unite ourselves to his Son Jesus by faith! (1 John 3.1)

    We are then “born again” and therefore “born of God” (John 1:13 and 3:3) spiritually. Moreover, this admirable Father adopts us (Ephesians 1:5), that is to say, he makes us enjoy all the rights of true children of God.

    This is how we can truly and eternally become princes and princesses, sons and daughters of the King of kings, enjoying the same privileges as his Son Jesus ! Is there a more beautiful prospect ? Why push it back ?

    Claude Schneider


    Proposed reading : the verses in note.

    Source (Live Today)

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